The McKinney-Vento Act exists to ensure the educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness, and protect the rights of students to enroll and/or stay in school even when housing becomes uncertain.
The district protects the dignity of families in transition by following McKinney-Vento district procedures (including confidentiality), especially if a child is living in a shelter, motel, vehicle, trailer or on the street, in an abandoned building, campground or any other inadequate accommodation, including "couch surfing"(having no permanent address), or living doubled up (or tripled up) with friends or relatives due to loss of housing, economic hardship or an extremely limited income in an area with a severe shortage of affordable housing.
- Enrollment within 24 hours
- Free/Reduced Meals
- Remove Barriers to Education
- Provide School Supplies, Transportation, Support Service Referrals
According to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, you are homeless if you live:
- In a shelter (family, domestic violence, or youth shelter or transitional living program)
- In a motel, hotel, or weekly rate housing
- In shared housing with more than one family because of economic hardship or loss
- In an abandoned building, in a car, at a campground, or on the street
- In substandard housing (without electricity, water, or heat)
- With friends or family because you are a runaway or an unaccompanied youth
Hannah Etchison
Special Projects Coordinator
Mckinney-Vento - Students in Transitions
618 West Musser St.
Carson City, NV 89702
(775) 283-1537
Thank you for your generous contributions to our students!
These donations will be used to assist with graduation, scholarships, clothing, school supplies, backpacks, winter wear, hygiene items, acquiring required documents, gift cards for academic and attendance incentives, enrollment in summer programs, and any other needs students may have throughout the school year.
Tax deductible monetary donations can be mailed to:
CCSD Students in Transition
P.O. Box 603
Carson City, NV 89701
Thank you for your donation!
- Tim & Betsey Kosier
- Mr. Doug Carlton
- Abigail C. Johnson Consulting
- Loretta M Powell
- Betty Eldridge
- Dan and Barbara Culbert
- Donald Carine and Jeanne Fallon- Carine
- Tim and Patricia Higgins
- Dee Steele