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Gifted and Talented Education

The Carson City School District (CCSD) is pleased to be able to offer programs for students that are gifted and academically talented. The District bases its identification system on multiple criteria and not solely on cognitive or IQ scores. In second grade we have a Young Scholars program that places students showing signs of giftedness in cluster classrooms with GATE endorsed teachers.  Students are formally identified and placed in GATE cluster classrooms beginning in 3rd grade, and these classes are also taught by GATE endorsed teachers.  In middle school, the cluster model continues, with students receiving instruction by subject from GATE endorsed teachers.  Support from GATE endorsed teachers and counselors continues in high school, where students participate in honors, Advanced Placement, dual enrollment and career and technical education (CTE) courses.  As they progress through their education, gifted students’ social and emotional needs are also supported by trained staff.

CCSD has developed its Gifted and Talented Education Program (GATE) based on best practices in the field of gifted education, as identified by the National Association for Gifted Students (NAGC),



Joanna Kaiser

GATE Implementation Specialist

GATE Program
604 West Musser St.
Carson City, NV 89703
(775) 283-1523




