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Behavior and Discipline


The Carson City School District Board of Trustees recognizes that maintaining a safe and productive learning environment is essential to its mission to empower students with the skills, knowledge, values, and opportunities to thrive. Necessary and appropriate disciplinary measures, including restorative practices and interventions, will be taken to address the misconduct of students who engage in behaviors that distract and disrupt the mission of the District. CCSD believes all students have the right to:

  • Experience a positive, safe, and respectful learning environment.
  • Learn from a highly qualified staff who do their best every day.
  • Expect patience and nonjudgmental guidance as they learn to navigate this confusing world.
  • Make and learn from their mistakes.
  • Learn from motivating adults who believe in their individual dreams and are committed to helping them fulfill those dreams.
  • Be surrounded by caring adults who support and respect them for who they are individually.
  • Be provided equitable and diverse education with the appropriate resources to be successful.
  • Engage as active members of their school and community.
  • Be heard and have a voice in all aspects of their education.
  • Understand existing rules, their purposes, and the opportunity to express concerns with perceived inequities.
  • Be open, honest, and express themselves in a respectful manner.
  • Be exposed to authentic, real world learning opportunities that will prepare them for their future.

All students are expected to follow District policies and regulations, school rules of conduct, and city, state, and federal law. Students who disregard established policies, rules, regulations, or laws are subject to behavioral intervention and progressive discipline. All students are expected to adhere to appropriate standards of conduct while at school, traveling to and from school, during lunch, and while involved in school sponsored activities. Students representing the school in athletics, band, drill team, and other school groups must conform to standards established by their coaches or sponsors in accordance with policy and regulations established by the District, as well as the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (NIAA) and any other athletic or activity association to which their school belongs.


View Restorative Discipline Plan