Inclement Weather & Air Quality
We would like to share important inclement weather information so that your family can be prepared in the event severe weather impacts our normal school schedules and operations.
Additional information regarding air quality school closures
Communication Process
Should it be necessary to delay the start of a school day or cancel school, the district will send out notification through ParentSquare and notify various local news outlets. In addition, the notification will be posted on the district website and social media channels.
As early as 5:30 a.m., a message about a school delay or closure will come in the form of a ParentSquare notification. This notification from the District Office will provide you with the general details for the day. A banner on our district website homepage will also display the essential information as early as 6:00 a.m. Beginning as early as 5:15 a.m., watch or listen to your favorite local TV or Radio stations to get updates about changes to school schedules.
When forecasts are definitive, the district will make every effort to notify families of impacts to school operations the prior evening. When forecasts are less definitive, we will monitor conditions closely and consult with county and state officials prior to making a decision. Often the forecast is tentative and we need additional time to monitor conditions. In these cases, we will notify you no later than 6 a.m. if there will be any impact to the school day.
Notifications for school disruptions due to inclement weather are made via the following communication systems: ParentSquare (email, App notification or text, based on your notification settings), the district website, Facebook, X (Twitter), and local media.
If schools are closed because of a natural disaster, inclement weather, accident or any other extraordinary circumstance, per instruction from the Nevada Department of Education, Smoke Days are not considered "days in school" regardless of the digital ability to provide remote instruction. Consequently, neither teachers nor students are expected to participate in remote learning activities during a canceled school day.
On days where school has been canceled, teachers should not assign homework using virtual means and assignments will not be due until the next regular day of in-person instruction. Additionally, no student activities, school-work or programs will occur, including remote instruction via Pioneer Academy. This includes school-course assignments, homework, afterschool programs and practices. No school services such as transportation, nutrition or student health will be provided.
With any school closure, students and employees should expect an extension of the school year, further extending school days in June. As such, families and employees should not schedule vacations or expect to exit the school year before calendar obligations are met.
For additional information, please refer to School Board Regulation 805-R