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Educational Benefits

Household Application for Educational Benefits

Online applications are available now for the 2024-2025 school year. Questions? Please call (775) 283-2150.

Meal benefit eligibility from last school year will remain current only through the first 30 scheduled school days OR until a 2024-2025 application is processed.

Apply online

  • APPLY ONLINE for faster processing. Households who apply online should not submit a paper application.
  • Please complete paper applications in black ink (not pencil).
  • Your first name, last name, and middle initial are required on the application.
  • Please provide birth date, grade, and school name to expedite processing.
  • Use ONE application for ALL students in the household—including Pre-K, kindergarten, and foster—even if they attend different schools.
  • If you are applying for a child who is homeless, a migrant, or a runaway, please call your child's school or contact the CCSD Homeless liaison at (775) 283-1537.

Carson City Schools serve breakfast and lunch every school day. If your total household income is the same or less than the amounts on the Income Chart below, your child may qualify for free or reduced-price meals.

Students in households participating in Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC) may be eligible for free or reduced-priced meals

The following students qualify for free meals:

  • Foster children
  • Students certified as homeless or runaway
  • Students enrolled in the Migrant Education program
  • Students enrolled in the Head Start program
  • Students enrolled in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), or Medicaid.

Income Chart

Federal Income Qualification