This page is for the use of parents, teachers and news media alike. Come visit to check for any new updates and information or recent news coverage.
Carson City School District Office
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Contact Us
1402 West King Street
Carson City, NV 89702
775-283-2000 (Main Office)
Media on Campus
For student confidentiality purposes, the media may not contact or interview students on any of the school campuses or at school-related events without verbal permission of the district, school site, or program’s spokesperson. Parent/guardian permission may be required and determined by the spokesperson.
Carson City School District requests that all media representatives contact the Public Information Officer prior to arrival on any school campus. Staff will gladly make parking arrangements, notify the appropriate administrators and help you find your destination.
Dan Davis, APR
Public Information Officer
775-283-2027 (Direct)
775-247-6442 (Cell)